Machineseeker EHF Champions League accreditation – Kolstad

Machineseeker EHF Champions League accreditation

All journalists working for TV and radio, including webTV, web radio and podcasts, have to request an accreditation via the EHF online accreditation system. 

This is the only way to request accreditation for EHF Champions League matches. After a media representative makes the request via the accreditation tool for a respective game, the journalist will receive further information. 

The following link is for the media accreditation for the Machineseeker EHF Champions League:Link for online accreditation tool:

Written media representatives and photographers have to request their accreditation via the respective home club, send to Kolstad at

Deadline for media accreditations:

  • The deadline is 3 days prior to the match.
  • Therefore we kindly ask you to do the accreditation process in time.