Machineseeker fortsetter som hovedsponsor for EHF Champions League
Machineseeker Group fortsetter som hovedsponsor for EHF Champions League for menn i sesongen 2023/24. Det tyske teknologiselskapet, som driver de ledende nettbaserte markedsplassene for brukte maskiner og nyttekjøretøy i Europa, forlenger sitt engasjement.
Konkurransen i europeisk topphåndball vil fortsatt hete Machineseeker EHF Champions League. Den store finaleturneringen i Köln kommer til å hete TruckScout24 EHF FINAL4 2024, noe som fremhever en av Machineseeker Groups mest suksessrike markedsplasser. I tillegg vil Machineseeker være synlig på alle de 132 kampene i hele hallen (gulvreklame, LED-reklame) samt i trykte -og digitale kanaler.
«Machineseeker EHF Champions League viser det beste av det beste i europeisk håndball og passer perfekt til vår profil som markedsleder med ledende markeder over hele Europa. Vi ser frem til å gå inn i den andre sesongen som hovedpartner for denne toppkonkurransen og oppnå sterk og effektiv synlighet med merkevaren Machineseeker og TruckScout24», sier Sven Schmidt, CEO i Machineseeker Group.
David Szlezak, administrerende direktør i EHF Marketing, legger til: «Forlengelsen av sponsoratet kommer etter en sterk utvikling av konkurransen i 2022/23-sesongen, inkludert et godt samarbeid med Machineseeker.
Av de mange innovative kampanjene under TruckScout24 EHF FINAL4 var presentasjonen av de offisielle håndballene mitt personlige høydepunkt. Vi ser frem til å ta konkurransen til neste nivå sammen med Machineseeker også neste sesong.»
Siden 2021 har Machineseeker og TruckScout24 vært kontinuerlig engasjert som sponsorer på høyprofilerte håndballarrangementer, som for eksempel Håndball-VM 2021. I tillegg har konsernet vært offisiell partner for det tyske OL-laget i mange år og har støttet en rekke fotballklubber i den tyske 2. Bundesliga tidligere.
Machineseeker remains title sponsor of the EHF Champions League
In the 2023/24 season, the Machineseeker Group has once again secured the naming rights to the EHF Champions League. The commitment of the German tech company, operator of the leading online marketplaces for used machines and commercial vehicles in Europe, is thus entering its second round.
The top league of European handball will once again be called Machineseeker EHF Champions League. The ultimate highlight of the coming season, the final tournament in Cologne, will be named TruckScout24 EHF FINAL4 2023 and will turn the spotlight on one of the top marketplaces of the Machineseeker Group. In addition to the naming, Machineseeker will present itself at all 132 games in the entire sports hall setup (floor stickers & perimeter ads on LED boards) as well as on print and digital channels.
«The Machineseeker EHF Champions League showcases the best of the best in European handball and fits perfectly with our profile as a market leader with leading marketplaces across Europe. We are looking forward to entering our second season as the title partner of this premium competition and to achieving impactful and powerful visibility with the Machineseeker and TruckScout24 brands,» said Sven Schmidt, Managing Director of Machineseeker Group.
David Szlezak, Managing Director of the EHF Marketing GmbH, added: «The sponsorship extension follows a strong performance of the competition in the 2022/23 season, including a great collaboration with Machineseeker. Of many innovative promotions at the TruckScout24 EHF FINAL4, the presentation of the official handballs was my personal highlight. We are looking forward to taking the competition to the next level together with Machineseeker again next season.
» Machineseeker and TruckScout24 have been continuously involved as sponsors in high-level handball events such as the 2021 World Handball Championship. In addition, the company group has been an official partner of Team Germany at the Olympic Games for several years and has supported numerous football clubs in the German 2nd Bundesliga in the past.